A Preferred Source for Commercial Condo Property Painting.
Master Painting and Remodeling is the logical choice when it comes to managed property painting. We provide superior painting services, plus high respect for the property and privacy of owners, property managers and residents of condominiums and managed properties.
Whether you require a full refurbishment on short notice, refreshed common areas and hallways, or a major facelift for multiple buildings, our goal is to provide hassle-free painting that makes everyone happy with the results.
Project management and customer communications set the standard by which all painting services are measured. Our services radiate from our professional Certainty Service System (CSS) - a set of procedures and principles that encompass our experience painting personal homes and multi-unit residences throughout North America. CSS ensures that every painting service your project requires is identified and addressed – before our painters even set foot on your property.
Count on us to take the guesswork out of property painting. We’ll meet with your management team to draw up a cleaning, painting, and/or maintenance schedule that fully meets your requirements in terms of the final results, how we’ll communicate progress, and how we’ll complete your project on time and on budget. Rest assured knowing that we are highly qualified, experienced and financially stable.
Master Painting and Remodeling are locally owned and operated affiliates of North America’s largest painting company. We adhere to local established protocols for environmental safety, worker safety, and worksite cleanliness. All EPA and OSHA laws and policies are followed by Master Painting and Remodeling affiliates. Affiliates cover all worker’s comp premiums and are fully bonded. Master Painting and Remodeling affiliates are highly qualified and experienced, financially stable, thoroughly insured, and provides a 2-year written warranty for paints, coatings and application. You’ll welcome the professional, courteous and careful attention you receive from Master Painting and Remodeling.
A Partial List of Our Services: